Following Is Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on the using of HGH
Those who are using growth hormone HGH can refer to the right symptoms.
1.HGH is produced using secretory gene expression technology from E. coli, which is a very pure growth hormone and does not cause allergic reactions.
2.The common reaction to this type of biologic is redness, swelling, pain and fever at the injection site. These reactions are only temporary and will recover with prolonged use or discontinuation of the drug and are not harmful to the body.
3.These reactions are usually caused by an allergy to alcohol or iodophor. The solution is to change to a non-allergic sterilization method or to change the injection site.
When there is only extracutaneous bleeding at the eye of the needle after the syringe is pulled out, it means that the injection has pierced the small capillaries of the skin; there is no need to be nervous, it will not cause any harm to the body and will not affect the effect of growth hormone.
Apply a warm towel for 5-10min (no need for hot compress in summer), and avoid the subcutaneous bleeding site for the next growth hormone injection; because the tip of BD needle is thicker and longer than that of Novo Pen, there are slightly more cases of bleeding at the injection site when BD needle is injected, but they are relatively rare.
After injection, the needle should be pulled out too slowly and easily bleed, so it should be pulled out quickly.
When injecting growth hormone, if the injection angle is too small and the drug is injected into the skin, there is no need to deal with it and let the skin absorb the drug on its own, which will not affect the effect of growth hormone and will not cause any harm to the body. The correct angle of injection of growth hormone is 45 degrees to the skin. The speed of injection is too fast and it is easy to bulge.
Small number of users may experience edema and local pain at the injection site when they first start using it,
but these will usually disappear naturally with continued use.
However, acromegaly may occur in the case of ultra-high doses.
A large number of medical studies have been done abroad, and medical literature shows that the incidence of tumors after the use of growth hormone ranges from 2 to 3 per 100,000, which is comparable to the incidence of normal people, with no significant difference, indicating that the use of growth hormone will not lead to tumors.
Growth hormone does not cause diabetes. However, growth hormone may cause a transient increase in blood sugar and needs to be used with caution if you have a family history of diabetes.
Not at all. The secretion of growth hormone is related to the hypothalamic-pituitary growth axis. Growth hormone injections will not affect the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary growth axis.
When injecting growth hormone, you should remove it from the refrigerator 30 minutes beforehand and warm it up with your hands; pain may be caused by the fast injection speed and should be injected slowly; if the sharp pain is caused by the injection irritating the peripheral nerves of the skin, you can pull out the needle and change the injection site at this time; mental relaxation before injection can avoid painful injection.
It may occur after strenuous exercise or sudden increase in exercise, and should be gradual; or it may be caused by the strong physiological effect of sodium retention of growth hormone.
It can be controlled by taking oral levothyroxine sodium, often referred to as T3, and thyroid function will return to normal when growth hormone is stopped.
This is a symptom of oedema: oedema on the back of the hands, feet and lower limbs; if you can tolerate it, continue to use growth hormone, and the symptoms usually disappear within 3-7 days; if you cannot tolerate it, you need to reduce the dose of growth hormone or stop taking it, and resume using it after the symptoms disappear.
It may occur after strenuous exercise or sudden increase in exercise, and should be gradual; or it may be caused by the strong physiological effect of sodium retention of growth hormone.
Growth hormone injections can locally degrade subcutaneous fat, especially fat in the abdomen and large intestinal omentum which is sensitive to catecholamine-mediated lipolysis (e.g. increased subcutaneous fat in GHD, especially abdominal fat accumulation, can be ablated after growth hormone treatment), and if the same point is injected continuously for a long time, subcutaneous hardening can occur. Growth hormone reduces fat and increases muscle tissue at the same time. Because growth hormone degrades subcutaneous fat, the injection site should be changed frequently.
General cold and flu medication does not affect the effect of growth hormone.
Forgetting to inject growth hormone once in a while for one day will not affect the effect and there is no need to make up for the missed dose.
Generally, growth hormone needs to be used continuously for more than 3 months.
A. Insufficient dose of growth hormone; b. Antibodies to growth hormone powder;
HGH Product Used
Here are some usage and mixing instructions for you:
Plain sterile water is the best diluent for GH. The only reason why someone would use bacteriostatic or saline water is to prolong shelf life of the mixture. With sterile water the mixture stays good for 20 days. Even at 2IU per day (minimal anti aging dose) a mixed vial would be used up within 5 days, so there is plenty of time.
Just ask for plain sterile water for injection in your local pharmacy store, it should be very cheap. If you can’t get it there, see if you know anyone who works in a hospital or at a doctor’s office – they use it for washing, so they should be able to give it to you for free.
Get the insulin type syringe with 100 markings on the side. They are very cheap and available in every local pharmacy store. They have the smallest needles.
Pull 1ml of water into the syringe and inject it into the vial with powder. GH molecules are very fragile – sensitive to heat and rapid movements. You should never shake the vial when mixing. You should not inject the water directly into the powder with force, but rather let it gently slide down the inside of the vial. If it bubbles up, you should put the vial in the refrigerator and leave it there for about 15 minutes. The bubbles will be gone by then. You should then gently turn the vial between your fingers until all of the powder has dissolved (it takes about 3-4 minutes).
The vials are under vacuum, so before you can take the GH out, you need to get rid of the vacum. You take a fresh syringe, pull air into it and inject the air into the vial (not into liquid, but into air above the liquid). This will get rid of the vacuum. You can then pull out the GH as you need it. For a 12IU vial mixed with 1ml of water the 8 markings on the 100-mark syringe = 1 IU.
Some people pull entire GH content into the syringe and use the same for 5 injections. Other people prefer to use a fresh syringe for every injection.
The favorite spot for GH injections is into the stomach fat – pinch some skin between your fingers and insert the needle at an 45 degree angle. Chose a different spot every time. Depending on the spot, you can either feel nothing or you can feel slight pain – you will learn your favorite spots in time. GH can also be injected into any muscle (thigh, shoulder, etc.) – it works the same either way.
HGH Human Growth Hormone products must be always handled with care. Human Growth Hormone must also be refrigerated at all times.
In its freeze-dried form, HGH has been found to possess a shelf life of approximately 18 months when stored in a refrigerator (approximately 2 – 8 degrees Celsius or 35.6 – 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit).
At normal room temperature (20 – 24 degrees Celsius or 68 – 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit), it possesses a shelf-life of approximately 30 days before it is destroyed and rendered inactive. Care must be ensured so as to not expose the powder to extreme heat (especially during the summer months if left in a car, for example) or extreme cold temperatures as these will destroy the molecule. Extreme heat as well as violent shaking has been demonstrated to destroy the HGH protein and render it inactive.
Once reconstituted (mixed with sterile water or bacteriostatic water), the shelf-life of Human Growth Hormone drops incredibly. Reconstituted HGH must be refrigerated at all times, and the two different types of water it is reconstituted with will also determine specific shelf-life. Shelf-lives of reconstituted products are as follows:
Bacteriostatic water: When reconstituted with bacteriostatic water (water that contains a small amount of benzyl alcohol for sterilization and preservation), Human Growth Hormone possesses a shelf-life of approximately 2 weeks to 20 days (REFRIDGERATED).
Sterile water: When reconstituted with sterile water (pure distilled water that simply contains water-only and no sterilizers), Human Growth Hormone possesses a shelf-life of approximately 5 days (REFRIDGERATED).
When reconstituted with water, any exposure to temperatures higher than refrigeration for extended periods will destroy the hormone in under several hours. Growth Hormone is always prepared as a lyophilized (freeze-dried) powder and should never be packaged pre-mixed with water.
Dosage depends on the purpose. People generally use 2IU per day for anti-aging purpose and 4IU per day for bodybuilding, weight loss and general fitness. In case of 4IU, people take 2IU in the morning and 2IU in the afternoon. It’s best injected into stomach fat (exactly the same way as insulin).
Effects are felt about a week into the first cycle (better sleep, skin improvement, etc..). Improved muscle tone is noticed about a month or two after the start (provided you do good workout and proper diet – plenty of proteins). Don’t just settle for any type of protein, because some manufacturers put in all sorts of crap (artificial flavors, sugar, etc.. also some manufacturing methods produce low quality protein which is no good.). You want undenatured whey protein isolate created with micro cross flow filtration method and possibly get unflavored and unsweetened kind. I also suggest you take some good multi vitamin/mineral supplements (take a look at AOR ortho core).
It’s good to cycle off HGH every now and then. General rule of thumb is, to take breaks for the same duration of time as you were on it. 2 months on, 2 months off for example.
The effects are most noticeable in the initial few cycles so stay on it for as long as you can (3-4 months even).
The only noticeable side effect which can happen to some people is the carpal tunnel syndrome (tingling sensation in your palms and fingers. Feeling like your hands fall “asleep” sometimes, especially in the morning when you wake up). If it gets unbearable, people just stop the cycle for a few weeks and then resume when the carpal is gone. If it happens it does so only in initial few cycles when the carpal tunnel (through which nerves are passing to your palms) is too thin and doesn’t have time to adapt to the new rapid growth. Later on the tunnel adapts and there is no problem anymore.
Get the insulin type syringe with 100 markings on the side. They are very cheap and available in every local pharmacy store. They have the smallest needles.
Plain sterile water is the best diluent for GH. The only reason why someone would use bacteriostatic or saline water is to prolong shelf life of the mixture. With sterile water the mixture stays good for 20 days. Even at 2IU per day (minimal anti aging dose) a mixed vial would be used up within 5 days, so there is plenty of time.
Just ask for plain sterile water for injection in your local pharmacy store, it should be very cheap. If you can’t get it there, see if you know anyone who works in a hospital or at a doctor’s office – they use it for washing, so they should be able to give it to you for free.
Pull 1ml of water into the syringe and inject it into the vial with powder. GH molecules are very fragile – sensitive to heat and rapid movements. You should never shake the vial when mixing. You should not inject the water directly into the powder with force, but rather let it gently slide down the inside of the vial. If it bubbles up, you should put the vial in the refrigerator and leave it there for about 15 minutes. The bubbles will be gone by then. You should then gently turn the vial between your fingers until all of the powder has dissolved (it takes about 3-4 minutes).
The vials are under vacuum, so before you can take the GH out, you need to get rid of the vacum. You take a fresh syringe, pull air into it and inject the air into the vial (not into liquid, but into air above the liquid). This will get rid of the vacuum. You can then pull out the GH as you need it. For a 12IU vial mixed with 1ml of water the 8 markings on the 100-mark syringe = 1 IU.
Some people pull entire GH content into the syringe and use the same for 5 injections. Other people prefer to use a fresh syringe for every injection.
The favorite spot for GH injections is into the stomach fat – pinch some skin between your fingers and insert the needle at an 45 degree angle. Chose a different spot every time. Depending on the spot, you can either feel nothing or you can feel slight pain – you will learn your favorite spots in time. GH can also be injected into any muscle (thigh, shoulder, etc.) – it works the same either way.
You can try you local pharmacy as it may not require a prescription in your country. Most people get strile water and bacteriostatic over the internet. Just run a google search for Bacteriostatic Water. You should get plenty of sites offering it. Prices are very low. Make sure the water you get reads “”for injection”” on the vial.
You can use either, the difference is for how long the hgh solution will remain potent. Reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (also known as Sterile Water water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol) – An hgh vial should be used within 10 days.Reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection – An blue top hgh vial should be used within 3 days.
The kits come without water because you can get the water (plain sterile water for injection or bacteriostatic water, or any sterile water they have – it all works the same) at any local pharmacy shop. It shoul not cost more than a few cents per 1ml.
It’s easier to ship the kits without water because they are smaller and cause less problems with customs.
People usually use the IGF in the following ways:
a) normal dose: 33mcg per injection, 2 injections per day – one in the morning and the other in late afternoon. This means that you mix a 100mcg vial with 1ml of water, and you use this for 3 injections (33mcg per shot). One in the morning, 2nd in late afternoon and 3rd the next morning
b) high dose: 50mcg per injection, 2 injections per day – one in the morning and the other in late afternoon. This means that you mix each 100mcg vial with 1ml of water and you use it for 2 injections (50mcg per shot). One in the morning, the other in late afternoon. You should never go higher than 100mcg per 24 hours.
cycle duration:
a) short cycle: 14 days on, 14 days off, then repeat again and again. You do this until you are happy with the results, but not longer than 6 months. It’s good to take a few months pause after 6 months of use
b) long cycle: 50 days on, 2 months off
The best check your bodybuilding coach or doctor.
Jintropin is 100 IU (33 mg) per kit – 10 x 10 IU vials
All are identical substance, made by identical process – only they are a different brand name. Jintropin has been on the market since 1997, other brand hgh product has been available since 2007.
If you are able to place an order, that means we do ship to your country.
This is how lyophilized (freeze dried) HGH and IGF-1 handle temperatures:
before reconstituted:
if refrigerated between 2 – 8 degrees celsius it’s good for 24 months (until expiration date)
at room temperature (up to 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 Fahrenheit) it’s good for over 30 days
at up to 45 degrees Celsius or 113 Fahrenheit it’s good for about a week
after reconstituted:
HGH has to be refrigerated at all times. It’s good for 20 days
IGF-1 has to be refrigerated at all times. It’s good for 24 hours
Shipping takes about 10–15 days, so transport wise there are no problems during shipping. No ice packs are needed.
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The batches are made monthly according to statistically expected monthly sales. The expiration date is always at least 24 months in the future.